Conduct elections and bye elections as per State Election Commission.
Conduct lottery for wardwise reservations as per the directions of State Election Commission.
Prepare ward wise Voter list and publish it as per the directions of State Election Commission.
Prepare Election Booth for election.
Follow the code of conduct for elections as per State Election Commission.
Conduct the voting for General Elections and bye elections.
Declare the results for General Elections and bye elections.
Declare the names of elected candidates of General Elections and Bye Elections in Government Gazzette.
Collect the Expenditure statements for the candidates contested in the elections.
Conduct the procedure on those candidates who failed to submit their expenditure statements.
Follow the procedures of court matters in respect of General and bye elections.
Provide the information of Right to information Act 2005.
Accept application under Right to Information Act 2005.
Other activities handled by the department
Accept Complaints about disqualification of councillor.
Procedure about disqualification of Councillors under rule 10 (1D).
Follow the procedure of court matters in respect of General and bye elections.
Follow the procedure of court matters in respect of General and bye elections.
Provide the information to the applicants under Right to information Act 2005.
Provide information to State Information Commission and attend hearings at State Election Commission.
Pay the bills to the vendors / suppliers who provided material and services in elections.
Refund the security deposits to the vendors / suppliers who have completed the work satisfactorily and who have provided material and services during elections